Thursday 26 April 2012

North Korea gears up for Nuclear Test

According to reports from South Korean intelligence, North Korea is gearing up to test a nuclear weapon as new satellite images show that the country is digging a new underground tunnel at a nuclear test site.

The satellite photos reportedly show that North Korean officials are digging a new tunnel at a site in the northeastern part of the countrywhere the nuclear tests were conducted in 2006 and 2009.

The reports were leaked after North Korea announced its plan to launch a satellite between April 12 and 16, which triggered tensions in its southern neighbouring country South Korea and the United States.

North Korea said that the launch is aimed to mark a century since the birth of Kim I1 Sung.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Don't Assume People Won't Understand

Strategies decisions can be tough to make, especially in a time of limited resources, but communicating those decisions is often a tougher challenge. One of the most common communication mistakes leaders make is to assume their audience won't grasps the complex reasoning behind a decision. Instead of presuming people won't understand, find ways to explain the details, even to those who may not have the same organizational or financial sophistication as you. 

If your people don't understand, your job is to find a way to explain it to them. All employees deserve to know where the company is headed and the rational behind key decisions. They will be happier and more productive when they are clued into and on board with the company strategy.

Saturday 14 April 2012

આ કંપનીને જોઇએ છે 10,000 નવા કર્મચારીઓ

ટેક મહિન્દ્રા લિ અને સત્યમ કોમ્પ્યુટર સર્વિસીઝના મર્જરથી બનેલી સંયુક્ત કંપની ચાલુ નાણાકીય વર્ષમાં 10,000 નવા કર્મચારીઓની ભરતી કરી શકે છે, તેમ ટેક મહિન્દ્રાના સીઇઓ વિનીત નાયરે જણાવ્યું હતું.

બંને કંપનીઓમાં મળીને કુલ 75000 કર્મચારીઓ છે. માર્ચમાં પુરા થયેલા નાણાકીય વર્ષના પહેલા 9 મહિનામાં ટેક મહિન્દ્રાએ 4413 કર્મચારીઓની ભરતી કરી હતી, જ્યારે સત્યમે 3014 કર્મચારીઓ નવા લીધા હતા.

સત્યમના સ્થાપકે ભારતની સૌથી મોટી નાણાકીય છેતરપિંડીઓમાંની એકની કબૂલાત કરતા 2009માં સરકારના ટેકા દ્વારા કરવામાં આવેલી હરાજીમાં મહિન્દ્રા એન્ડ મહિન્દ્રાના એક યુનિટ ટેક મહિન્દ્રાએ સત્યમને ખરીદી હતી.

લાંબા સમયથી જેની રાહ જોવાઇ રહી હતી તે મર્જર આવકની દ્દષ્ટિએ ભારતની પાંચમા ક્રમની સૌથી મોટી સોફ્ટવેર કંપનીનું સર્જન કરશે. 

Source: Divya Bhaskar

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Himachal Pradesh introduces Lokayukta Bill

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal introduced the anti-graft Lokayukta Bill in the assembly on Wednesday, which would minimise the growing corruption in the state.

Introducing the significant Bill, Dhumal appealed all the members of Assembly to go through the bill and have a debate.

The CM said that the Bill was prepared after receiving suggestions from various quarters and public. He said that everyone right from the CM to ward member in panchayat are under the ambit of the Lokayaukta.

There would be debate on the Bill on Friday, the last day of the budget session. However, Congress MLA GS Bali sought the clarification from the government on Team Anna's recent remarks on the draft.

Dhumal made it clear that the government has not met the Team Anna members. Supporting the government version of the draft, he said that Arvind Kejriwal remarks are not sacrosanct.

Dhumal's reaction came after Kejriwal had commented that Himachal Pradesh Lokayukta Bill is a very weak and ineffective. Appreciating the Uttarakhand Lokayukta Bill, he had suggested the Himachal Pradesh government to follow its neighbouring state's system of Lokayukta.

Kejriwal had said that the Lokayukta draft prepared by Himachal pradesh government seeks to legitimise corruption rather than punish people, who are responsible for the graft.

Kingfisher asked to pay Rs 60 crore Service Tax Dues

The cash-strapped Kingfisher Airlines on Wednesday has been asked by the Tax authorities to clear its service tax dues of Rs 60 crore ($11.84 million) soon.

SK Goel, chairman of India's Central Board of Excise and Customs, said that Kingfisher will not be given more time on payment of service tax. He said that the private airline's bank accounts have been defrozen.

Earlier this week, Kingfisher owner Vijay Mallya had told his employees that the company has paid Rs 20 crore of service tax.

While Mallya is facing a tough time to overcome the financial crisis, the notice is another blow to the company. Mallya has promised his employees to pay their salaries by April 10.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

April Fool Joke: Facebook with Hate Button!

On the April Fool day ‘Tech Crunch’ has revealed that Facebook is planning to introduce a ‘hate’ button. However, nobody believes it to be a true forthcoming event, but just take it as an April Fool Day prank. The report says that users are now generating 2.7 billion Likes and Comments per day in Facebook. With the Hate button, Facebook expects to at least double that.

It is claimed that people hate things on the Internet more than they like. Hence, the ‘hate’ button will be highly successful.

During the introduction of the ‘Like’ button, Facebook had expected a 1 billion plus hit of it in just the first 24 hours across the globe. Tech News claims that this time Facebook expects it twice for the hate button.

Facebook is also not certain about naming it either ‘Hate’ button or ‘Dislike’ button.

The news was acceptable till it was claiming about the ‘Hate Button’. But the report further said that Facebook is also planning to introduce other buttons like - “Meh”, “Love”, “Who Cares”, “Fax” and “+11″ which is hardly possible and so the news can be considered as just an April Fool joke.

So far Facebook has no official comment on this report. It has not said anything regarding the ‘Hate button even.

Kingfisher crisis: Employees withdraw Strike Call

The Kingfisher employees have withdrawn the deadline of agitation following the assurance given by Kingfisher Chairman Vijay Mallya that they will be paid salaries by April 10.

The stand-off between the management and employees in Kingfisher Airlines ended today when the staff accepted Mallya's assurance. Mallya had invited the representative pilots and other staff to his residence on Monday evening to discuss the crisis and the meeting went on till late night.

The employees had set a deadline for an agitation if their demands will not be met on Tuesday evening at 8 PM. However, Mallya had urged them to co-operate him during the adverse situation expressing his concern on delayed salaries.

On Monday, Mallya had promised that the junior staff would be paid before Easter on April 4 and all pilots and engineers would get their salaries on April 9 and April 10. However, the agitated engineers and pilots had threatened the management with an ultimatum to go on strike if they will not be paid salaries by Tuesday.

Fraud in Highway Projects: World Bank Report

The highway projects in India came under scanner after the World Bank indicated fraudulent practices of over Rs 70 crore and corruption in the projects funded by the bank.

The bank also alleged that the private contractors had paid bribes, gifts including gold coins to influence officials and consultants of the National Authority of India (NHAI).

In its report dated on March 1, 2012, the bank pointed three projects under the scanner - Lucknow-Muzaffarpur National Highway project, the Third National Highway Project and the Grand Trunk Road Improvement Project.

Following the report, the finance ministry has sent a copy of the report to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and asked it to take strong action.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is the apex body of the government for implementing the National Highways Development Project (NHDP).

Monday 2 April 2012

Kingfisher crisis: Staff to be paid Salaries by April 10

The cash-strapped Kingfisher Airline owner Vijay Mallya has assured his employees to pay their salaries by April 10 while expressing his concern on delayed salaries.

While responding to a letter written by Kingfisher staff on March 29, Mallya wrote, ""I am pleased to advise you that the formalities of un-freezing our bank accounts was completed yesterday following our payment of Rs.44 crores to the Income Tax and Rs.20 crores to the Service Tax authorities before March 31".

Mallya said that the junior staff will be paid before Easter and all the engineers will be paid on April 9 and 10.

Meanwhile, the Kingfisher employees have urged the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) team to skip the IPL so that they will get their salaries soon.

The private airline on Monday has cancelled four flights operations three from Delhi and one from Chennai a day after the pilots set a deadline before Mallya to respond to their letter on delayed salaries.

The employees had also threatened to go on strike if Mallya fails to respond to their letter on Monday. They claimed that they have not been paid salaries for the last four months.

The airline is struggling to pay a debt of Rs.7,057.08 crore. It is also facing a loss of Rs.444.27 crore for the quarter ended on December 31, 2011, from Rs.253.69 crore in the October-December quarter in the last fiscal.