Saturday 7 July 2012

Should Girls be discouraged from going to Pubs?

We all live in a duplicitous society, a society where we talk of impartiality of both sexes but in reality it does not exist. A woman is being judged on how she demeanors herself.

If she does not abide by with the basic set of norms, she is looked down upon and branded with names by our very own ‘society’.

However, whatever a man does, it is well thought-out acceptable. In fact, our society is such that it will first point fingers at the moral fiber of the rape victim and then will take action against the rapist.

Now days, girls go to pubs and clubs openly. They go to the front bars, the back bars, the inside bars and the outside bars. They often go in groups of women or groups of men and women, and there is definitely an emerging young women’s culture which has come along with girl’s growing perception of their equality in our society.

Despite these changes there are many parents who never allow their daughters to go to pubs as they think it is morally incorrect and not secure.

Stopping and discouraging girls to go to pub is not actually the solution of the problem. But the girls should be educated enough so that they can take care of them in any worst situation. Going to pub should not be discouraged as like boys, girls have also right of freedom and to protect themselves.

The issue is not about glorifying lady smokers and prompting girls to smoke and drink. We all know that drinking and smoking is injurious to health. And both males and females have to bear its ill effects. Then, why do only females have to earn social admonish? But if a man smokes or drinks, it is acceptable to the society.

Girls should not be discouraged from going to pubs, but venues can be made safer by having effective lighting and free phones for women to call a safe taxi or a friend or a parent.

Having an explicit police presence that is sensitive but will react when necessary on foot, by car, on bar patrols or by having free escorts for women and other people to the car parks, buses and taxis.

If these safeties are provided by the venue, it is sure that girls would not be discouraged to go to pubs in near future.

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