Thursday 22 March 2012

Why Women are better Entrepreneurs than Men?

With the rapid increase of women-owned businesses, this belief has become compelling that women make better entrepreneurs as compared to men. Women are endowed with innate qualities of an entrepreneur in today's consumer driven world. Females are having marvelous perception, are more engaging and overall have attractive communication skills.

There are some 5 basic attributes of women which make them stand ahead of men in entrepreneurship race.

1. Temptations to multi-task - Women are multi tasking, which is clearly visible through women handling the work at office, simultaneously performing house hold activities as well. They don’t panic and take the appropriate decisions.

2. Lesser testosterone ego - Many men become numb-skulls when there are decisions to be made and their ego comes into play. Men consider themselves as perfectionist and would never change their ideas. Females care very less about their ego as long as their work gets done. This is a major factor that can affect entrepreneurial careers of men and women.

3. Self-Motivation - For a successful business, self motivation is very much needed. Self motivation helps you to advance in taking up risk and encourage you in shouldering the social responsibilities.

Women are having positive attitude and never to say die spirit, which keeps them charged. Whereas most men lose hopes with one strong hit, and never try to regain the loss. They always seek for some encouraging words from others.

4. Better convincing capability - Women are coming into their own because the way of marketing is changing. They might not be hard-sellers like men but they have a great way to impress through a softer way of approaching which is necessary in today's scene. Females are very good at adapting their approach personalizing to an individual.

5. Better educated and professionally qualified - It’s no longer required to mention that women have been getting better and better in education. They are readily going for business administration courses thus getting better knowledge about the entrepreneurship skills.

There are many women entrepreneur who have set examples in the world. Priyanka Malhotra, Rajashree Birla and Manju Bharatram are the names which would always remain in the golden history of Indian entrepreneurship.

There are infinite number of women who have been excellent performers in setting up a business and taking it to the peak. So there is no second opinion that women are better entrepreneur than men and will always remain the best in this field for ever.

1 comment:

  1. I fail to see how this blog helps anybody.
    It is more of the same male bashing that seems to be in style these days. One wonders how we poor males have ever accomplished anything. Oh I know its because behind every successful man there stands a woman. Therefor women get the credit for their own successes as well as men's successes as well. Please people write something that can benefit both genders that doesn't exhalt one and debase the other.
