Wednesday 4 April 2012

Kingfisher asked to pay Rs 60 crore Service Tax Dues

The cash-strapped Kingfisher Airlines on Wednesday has been asked by the Tax authorities to clear its service tax dues of Rs 60 crore ($11.84 million) soon.

SK Goel, chairman of India's Central Board of Excise and Customs, said that Kingfisher will not be given more time on payment of service tax. He said that the private airline's bank accounts have been defrozen.

Earlier this week, Kingfisher owner Vijay Mallya had told his employees that the company has paid Rs 20 crore of service tax.

While Mallya is facing a tough time to overcome the financial crisis, the notice is another blow to the company. Mallya has promised his employees to pay their salaries by April 10.

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