Tuesday 17 July 2012

Now Facebook can reveal User's Personality

Now Facebook can divulge personality of its users – a recent study has claimed. The algorithm is - how you use the social networking site. It would be an interesting part for the users to know what kind of personality they have. Users, who are inclined towards high-risk activities like commenting without an apprehension, were tagged as ‘appetitive’ and the contrary group, those who were more reserved in their activities marked as ‘aversive’.
Researchers at the University of Missouri went for the experiment and found that those who like high-risk activity have a tendency to update their status, upload photos and intermingle with friends often. While conversely, those who are more reserved tend to merely scroll through Facebook's ‘news feed’.
Leader of the study Heather Shoenberger said. "If you're highly 'appetitive', you're more likely to want to engage with media that are more exciting, whereas those who are higher in the aversive trait tend to enjoy safer and more predictable media experiences"
More than fun for the users, the scale is also expected to help advertisers to decide upon the question of putting appropriate ads. The findings were presented at the International Communication Association Conference in Phoenix.

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