Friday 2 March 2012

US Special Forces stationed in India!

The US Special Forces teams have been deployed in India as well as four South Asian countries as part of the counter-terrorism co-operation with the nations, revealed a top Pentagon commander.

The teams have been deployed by US Pacific Command as part of its effort to enhance their counter-terrorism capabilities particularly in the maritime domain, Admiral Robert Willard, the PACOM Commander said on Thursday.

The US forces were stationed in Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives and India, Willard said while responding to a question on co-operation with India on counter-terrorism issues on Thursday.

As the Lashkar-e-Taiba (Let) is the biggest threat to Pakistan's neighbouring countries, the US is working very closely with the nations to help them to counter terrorism.

While responding to a question from Congressman Joe Wilson that what the efforts are being made to counter threat from LeT, Willard said that the Pakistan-based LeT was responsible for many terror strikes in India including 2008 Mumbai attacks. He said that both the US and India are working together against LeT.

The LeT, which has close links with Al Qaeda and other terror outfits, has been carrying out operations in Afghanistan and aspires to spread terrorism in Asia, Europe and North America, Willard said.

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